Meditation Drone CD SetOur afflictions are designed not to break us but to bend us toward the eternal and the holy. - Barbara Johnson
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Meditation Drone CD Set

Listen to samples of our Drone CDs.


These CD's incorporate the power of specific musical intervals to assist in meditating.

We're sure you'll enjoy this potent combination of powerful CDs and Tapes. You can listen to samples of all three below.

Buy the whole set, and save!

The set contains all three recordings:

  • The Phi Tone Drone Meditation CD for a heartening sound.

  • The Perfect Fifth Drone Meditation CD for its relaxing and comforting sound.

  • And the Tri-Tone Drone Meditation CD for its balancing abilities.
The Perfect Fifth

For comfort and harmony
The Tri-Tone Drone.

For balance and health. This CD compliments The Perfect Fifth sound therapy CD.
The Phi-Tone Drone

For experimentation. This CD compliments The Perfect Fifth sound therapy CD.


Meditation Drone CD Set

Tri Tone
Meditation Drone CD Set

Phi Tone
Listen to samples of our Drone CDs.



Please understand that we cannot be responsible for any effects - good or bad - believed due to the use of this product. This website does not make any claims regarding the usefulness of this product, nor does it adopt any claims of the inventor(s). Do not use this product if you are pregnant, using a pacemaker, have heart disorders, are subject to seizures, have metal implants, or have any other serious medical condition. This product is for research and experimentation only and has not been approved by FDA. This product is not approved for use on humans. Consult your professional health practitioner or medical doctor before using this product.
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